September 9, 2022
Elliot Kairo

Business Ideas for Lawyers: Choose Your Best Option and Make Your Money Come to You

Table of Contents

    Every person at least once in his life faced a situation when he needed help with the law. This makes people constantly feel the need for legal support and ask for it.


    The services of lawyers and law firms are in great demand all the time. People do not stop marrying, going through divorce, buying and selling real estate, concluding deals and contracts, getting injury or other things. Criminal keeps happening. So does immigration or bankruptcy. The demand for legal services was, is and always will be. That is why there are many business ideas for lawyers and options how to make money.


    There is a main condition for the development of any business. The demand for these services is what businesses depend on. Today we are going to talk about business ideas for lawyers existing.

    Law Business Ideas: Our High-Qualitative List of Best Ideas for You

    If you decided to relate your life to law, you are ambitious and ready to start earning money. Do not worry about your employment now. We have prepared for you our top quality list of law business ideas, so you could choose the best for yourself and go for it!


    Consulting Service

    Here comes another one from law business ideas list. Lots of companies are too small for having in-house attorney or counsel. Still, they should make sure that their own policies and manuals for employees obey the law. Some companies may hire you as a trainer for their staff. The others search for a rewriter. You will have to rewrite various documents (standard contacts/employee handbooks, etc.)


    Public Speaking

    Lawyers are known as eloquent people. They ray confidence and feel free to perform in front of many people. You can become a good option for a job of a public speaker. You can consider that as one of the side business ideas for lawyers. This job can become your source of extra cash.


    Career Coaching Service

    Being a law worker supposes bad and good sides of the job. You definitely know how to act in different situations. Turn your knowledge into huge income. You would offer your coaching services to students, who want to be successful, or young lawyers.


    Agent / Manager

    Lawyer solid background? Having this, you can become an agent or a manager for some people. You can become a manager for:






    other talented or famous people


    You can be the one to help them with handling law issues, dealing with a certain accident, negotiating with other people. Be their defense in case of emergency.


    Solo Practice

    You can simply want your own business and not to be under some rude boss’s control. Go solo and startup your own biz. What organization to open? This may be an accounting firm. You can open an insurance brokerage too.


    Law Related Business Ideas: Our List of Jobs for Freelancers and Wordsmiths

    Scroll down to see law related business ideas of work, that you can accomplish online.


    Counseling Service

    What can you become, when working in a consultation field? 


    marriage and/or family counselor

    career counselor

    sports counselor 


    There are other options, but it depends on where clients need advice. You can do such work online, getting orders from people of different world’s part, south, and east, west and coast.



    Successful blog guarantees you getting much money. You can set up your own blog and easily share your thoughts, your knowledge on a topic (law, in our case). What can you write about?


    your personal experience in working as a lawyer

    your hobby

    tips on how people of all professions and ages handle legal problems

    jobs for those, who study law


    This option can be one of the side business ideas for lawyers as well as your main job.


    Freelance Writing

    Are you a wordsmith? Do you have any writing skills? Did you work as an attorney back then? Yes? Then you can get income by becoming a freelance writer/copywriter/rewriter. Write articles on topics related to law and sell your papers to individuals or/and a separate firm. Write blogs articles. Work for newspapers and magazines as well.


    Selling Legal Books and Other Items

    There are lots of great textbooks on law or other things and items related. Students/young lawyers may need that for the development of their knowledge. Buy it wholesales and then resell. It is called a franchise business. 


    Write a Book

    Having knowledge in a law profession, you can start writing your own book. Use your knowledge and create a textbook for lawyers-beginners. Also, you can write tips “how to succeed in law sphere”. Make it helpful and valuable for the target auditory.


    Marketing is a wide field. Despite this and the fierce competition, the demand for these services does not decrease, the number of clients does not decrease.


    The most important thing is that you have to be passionate about what you do, be responsible and qualified as a part or a head of the company. Go and start earning your money now!


    About Author
    Elliot Kairo
    Business Consultant
    Hello everyone! My name is Elliot Kairo and I have a huge amount of experience in business analysis. For over 10 years now, I have consulted businesses in a variety...
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